Wednesday, October 31, 2012



We had an assignment where we had to do a before and after picture, and I picked these ones because there 3 of my favorite ones. Also cause they have really good lighting..

Animal Morph


We had an assignment where had to take our eyes and mouth off of a picture of us and put them on a animal. So I chose my dog to put my eyes and mouth on! 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Shutter- 1/50 Focal Length-4.9 mm Aperture-f/3.2 ISO-80 Flash-Off 
Shutter-1/250 Focal Length-5.8 mm Aperture-f/3.5 ISO-80 Flash-On
Shutter-1/200 Focal Length-19.6 mm Aperture-f/5.9 ISO-80 Flash-Off 
Shutter-1/500 Focal Length-18.9 mm Aperture-f/14.1 ISO-80 Flash-Off
Shutter-1/160 Focal Length-15.7 mm Aperture-f/12.8 ISO-80 Flash-Off

We had an assignment where we had to pick 5 of our favorite pictures that we took so far. I picked these pictures because there my favorite ones. I like the lighting in most of them. Also the color

Monday, October 22, 2012


Shutter:1/60 Aperture:f/5.9 IOS:80 Focal Length:13.9 mm Flash:On
 Shutter:1/30 Aperture:f/3.2 IOS:80 Focal Length:4.9 mm Flash:On
 Shutter:1/30 Aperture:f/5.3 IOS:200 Focal Length:11.7 mm Flash:On
Shutter:1/60 Aperture:f/5.4 IOS:80 Focal Length:16.5 mm Flash:On

We had an assignment where we had to take pictures of all these kinds of patterns. We had to pick 2 nature patterns and 2 man made ones. So I picked these ones cause I think these are my best ones. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


We had an assignment where we had to use photoshop again to put all of our line pictures together. These are my curved, leading lines, and converging lines and others.




We had to do a sky assignment by using photoshop. So I chose this sky to put in this background. I think it fits pretty good.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fall Nature

               Shutter- 1/100 Aperture- f/4.2 Flash- Off ISO Speed- 200 Focal Length- 11.2 mm
                Shutter- 1/100 Aperture- f/7.8 Flash- Off ISO Speed- 100 Focal Length- 6.3 mm
                Shutter- 1/80 Aperture- f/3.4 Flash- Off ISO Speed- 200 Focal Length- 7.7 mm
                Shutter- 1/80 Aperture- f/3.4 Flash- Off ISO Speed- 200 Focal Length- 7.7 mm
               Shutter- 1/60 Aperture- f/4.6 Flash- Off ISO Speed- 100 Focal Length- 13.1 mm

We had an assignment to take pictures of fall and nature, and I picked 5 of my favorite pictures out of all of the ones I took. I like how the colors stick out, and some are dark in the back ground and also light.

Monday, October 8, 2012


                        Shutter- 1/60 Aperture- f/3.1 Flash- On ISO Speed- 400 Focal Length- 6.3 mm
                        Shutter- 1/60 Aperture- f/3.8 Flash- On ISO Speed- 200 Focal Length- 9.4 mm
                     Shutter- 1/60 Aperture- f/4.2 Flash- On ISO Speed- 100 Focal Length- 11.2 mm
                    Shutter- 1/60 Aperture- f/5.6 Flash- On ISO Speed- 400 Focal Length- 18.9 mm
               Shutter- 1/100 Aperture- f/4.2 Flash- Off ISO Speed- 200 Focal Length- 11.2 mm

We went on a field trip to the arboretum to take fall pictures and see the colors change. Then now we had to do an assignment to pick 5 pictures we liked the most and I picked these 5 because there my favorite. I like how the colors in the trees and leaves really stick out and you can notice that! The close up picture of the leaf is my favorite cause the color really stands out.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Bubble Blowing!

We had an assignment where we had to go outside and take pictures of people blowing bubbles or just bubble. What I like about this picture is the sun shining threw the bubble and the picture stands out cause of the lighting pops it out..

Shutter speed- 1/500

Flash- Off

ISO- 80

Aperture- f/ 14.1

Focal Length- 18.9mm