Monday, October 8, 2012


                        Shutter- 1/60 Aperture- f/3.1 Flash- On ISO Speed- 400 Focal Length- 6.3 mm
                        Shutter- 1/60 Aperture- f/3.8 Flash- On ISO Speed- 200 Focal Length- 9.4 mm
                     Shutter- 1/60 Aperture- f/4.2 Flash- On ISO Speed- 100 Focal Length- 11.2 mm
                    Shutter- 1/60 Aperture- f/5.6 Flash- On ISO Speed- 400 Focal Length- 18.9 mm
               Shutter- 1/100 Aperture- f/4.2 Flash- Off ISO Speed- 200 Focal Length- 11.2 mm

We went on a field trip to the arboretum to take fall pictures and see the colors change. Then now we had to do an assignment to pick 5 pictures we liked the most and I picked these 5 because there my favorite. I like how the colors in the trees and leaves really stick out and you can notice that! The close up picture of the leaf is my favorite cause the color really stands out.

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